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        AD9375 – World's First Wideband RF Transceiver with Integrated

        release time:2017-09-10publisher:

              The AD9375 is the first RF transceiver to integrate a digital predistortion algorithm on the chip. Building on the foundation of the award-winning AD9371, the AD9375 adds a DPD solution, which reduces DPD power consumption by 90% and reduces the number of SERDES channels by half compared to FPGA-based solutions, thereby reducing FPGA complexity Sex and cost. The reduced power, integration, and reduced system cost make it an ideal solution for low-power, small-scale applications, such as small cells and large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). At the same time, Analog Devices' RadioVerse provides a robust design ecosystem that speeds time to market, including a library of tested power amplifiers, small cell reference designs, and evaluation kits. The integrated DPD solution AD9375 supports 3G and 4G waveforms with instantaneous signal bandwidth up to 40MHz.

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