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        • 24-hour global service hotline+86-0592-5616400 13906049004



         HJX-ADRV9026-X2 is an evaluation platform for array antenna applications. The platform integrates two ADRV9026 chips, which can realize the function of 8 receiving and 8 sending. Support frequency range 70MHz to 6GHz, enabling RX and TX bidirectional signal processing. In order to ensure the phase synchronization on the hardware, the hardware design of the two-chip ADRV9026 is synchronized.

        Product Details



        For more information or to order products, please contact Xiamen Hejiaxing Sales Office.

        Mobile phone: 13600975566(same wechat number)

        QQ: 2355620732

        Email: zf@hjx.cn

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