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        The HJX-ADRV099-X1 is highly customizable and provides broadband width and tuning range for a wide variety of applications. It includes a wideband ADRV9009 transceiver, coupled with a Xilinx Zynq7000 programmable SOC XC7Z100FF900, giving the entire platform powerful data processing capabilities. At the same time, having 1GB DDR3 dedicated to the SOC programming system part and configuring 1GB DDR3 dedicated to the PL programmable logic part provides great flexibility for developing custom applications. In addition, 256Mb flash memory is provided for data storage, on-board 32GB EMMC, RTC, USB3.0, 100/1000M network port, and RS422 and RS232 and TTL serial ports with 36 I/O reserved and 6 open-drain I/O.

        Product Details




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