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             MiniTRX-Z is a low-power and small footprint board, based on ADI's RadioVerseTM technology AD9361, enables dramatic reduction in design cycles of your products.
        HJX MiniTRX-Z has been added to ADI's RadioVerseTM 3rd Party Reference Designs and Hardware

        Product Details

          Key Features

          - FPGA:Xilinx Zynq XC7Z035-2FFG676I 

          - DDR:1GB DDR3
          - FLASH:256Mb QSPI 
          - SD:MicroSD 
          - Ethernet:10/100/1000M
          - USB:USB3.0 
          - Communication Interface:RS232/RS422/I2C
          - Sensor:Humidity Sensor with Integrated Temperature
          - User Interface:GPIO
          - Rx LNA range:300MHz~6GHz
          - RF Digital Step Attenuator(DSA):0~31.5dB attenuation range in 0.5dB steps(1MHz to 4GHz)
          - Bypass LNA and DSA to support Rx:70MHz~6.0GHz
          - Size: 140mm*95mm
          - Analog Devices AD9361-BBCZ Integrated RF Agile Transceiver&trade;
            RF 2 &times; 2 transceiver with integrated 12-bit DACs and ADCs
            Band: 70 MHz to 6.0 GHz
            TDD and FDD operation
            Tunable channel BW:<200 kHz to 56 MHz
            Supports MIMO radio: < 1 sample sync on both ADC and DAC
            Miniature RF connectors &ndash; 4 TX, 4 RX, 2 TX monitor
        Figure2 - Simplified Block Diagram

          MiniTRX-Z Getting Started Design

          The Getting Started design implements the data interfaces to/from the AD9361 RF transceiver through which baseband signals are mixed to RF for over-the-air loopback from transmitter to receiver. Data path and control signals between the AD9361 and Zynq SoC are shown in Figure3.
          -  MiniTRX-Z No-OS Software: based on ADI&rsquo;s AD9361 No-OS API Branch 2017_R1

        2.jpg Figure3 - HDL Reference Design

          MiniTRX-Z Interface

        (1)     MCX AD9361 RX1

        (2)     MCX AD9361 TX1
        (3)     MCX AD9361 TX2
        (4)     MCX AD9361 RX2
        (5)     MCX CLK_IN ( 可選外參考時(shí)鐘)
        (6)     JTAG
        (7)     Power 12V
        (8)     USB3.0
        (9)     RJ45
        (10)   I2C
        (11)   RS232
        (12)   RS422

        (13)   MicroSD

          Getting Started Guide
          This guide will show you how to setup MiniTRX-Z board and your computer to get started.
          MiniTRX-Z Getting Started Guide v1.1.pdf
          Contact Us


          For more information or order products, please contact the sales office of Xiamen Hejiaxing Electronics Co.,LTD.

        Mobile: +86-13600975566


        QQ: 2355620732


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